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BODYSHAMING - LET IT STOP BODY SHAMING is everywhere and it looks like we all tend to close our eyes when it comes to it! Especially about the fact how individuals seem to react towards each other. We call each other “names” and create stereotypes based on the other's weight, size, ethnicity or differences on what “we” think is the status quo. 

Let’s break the status quo:
How is it possible that we think like this? After seeing it happen all around me, it’s not leaving my mind anymore! So, I jumped into the deep and started talking about this subject with my friends, family and even strangers. After that, I started reading about people their experiences with body shaming.

We are all imprinted by stereotypes our entire lives, well that’s a conclusion I made pretty quick. Let's take romantic movies for example; the main character is almost always a woman that has a symmetric face and body and is size small. Or a movie where people marry with each other, it’s almost 100% the case that the couple that gets married in that movie are a man and a woman.

Talking about this subject with people makes me realize that there are a lot of emotions around this subject. People feel hurt, scared and angry. However, there is also a happy emotion among some people because they see the world changing and despite the change happening at the very slow pace, we are breaking through the status quo.

Some amazing examples from how the world is slowly changing in a good way are that many companies now not only use models with size small and that from 2024 you can only win an Oscar Award if you adept to a big amount of diversity within your movies and not only within the movie, but also behind the scenes.
So, you would believe that we all know about the fact that body shaming is a thing and that it happens a lot in reality. But like I said before, believe it or not, we still close our eyes when it comes to body shaming. Sometimes because we don’t know what is the right thing to do anymore. How do we call people with a different origin or different body types without insulting someone. But most of the time, we do it to intentionally hurt someone with our words. So, LET’S BREAK THE STAUS QUO and think before you speak!

It is not the body that needs shaming but the minds that constantly judge and labels it.
   - Amena Azeez

Our experiences with body shaming

A lot of people think that body shaming is only calling people ‘Fat’, ‘Thick’, ‘Huge’ but a lot of people don’t know that ‘Thin’, ‘You look like you have an eating disorder’ or ‘raw-boned’ can hurt as much. We see it happening a lot with our pictures online, that people respond with words like mentioned above. And it’s not okay and it does hurt those girls!

People say small girls do not need to wear shapewear but guess what! Size small is sold as much as a size M until 4XL and maybe even more! Should we not all be able to buy the clothes we want? The way we see it is that a woman with size small can feel as insecure as a woman with a bigger size. Just because size small is considered the “perfect body”, it does not mean that they can’t have insecurities or doubts about their body. We believe that everybody should feel happy and confident with themselves and if wearing a shapewear helps with that, then why not!

NoBODY is better than the other
It’s all about perspective!


We never thought we would write a blog like this but we want to support every single woman and want to ask you all to think about ways you may or may not be body shaming others or even yourself! Shouldn’t we all support each other and stand up for each other?
With Love,
Magic bodyfashion

  Ruth     16-09-2020 14:05     Comments ( 0 )
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