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Home Fitness at Home: Tips, Outfit, Tools and Quick Workout Routine with our MAGIC Lady Maria

Fitness at Home: Tips, Outfit, Tools and Quick Workout Routine with our MAGIC Lady Maria

Fitness at Home: Tips, Outfit, Tools and Quick Workout Routine with our MAGIC Lady Maria Sports at home, just like at the gym, requires proper attitude and preparation. Home-based training can help you be more active, healthy and athletic, and it also requires appropriate knowledge and consistent principles.

Here are some tips to help you get started or follow your home workout routine:

Set training mode. Adhering to a workout plan is easier if you have a consistent workout routine. For training, select specific days and times, the best area of ​​the house where exercising is most comfortable. Don't allow yourself to be lazy just because you're home.

Eliminate various interferences. There are many objects in the house that distract our attention: a computer, a TV, mobile phone, various items that remind us of other activities. All of this interferes with concentration and knocks you out of your training rhythm. So, during the workout it´s important to put such distractions aside and focus only on your workout.

Don't forget warm-up and stretching exercises. Since these exercises usually do not require any additional equipments and consist of body weight movements, you can do a good warm-up and stretching at home.

Change workouts. It's often harder to come up with a variety of workouts at home, so it's easy to stay in the same workout routine. But it is important to keep this in mind and try to make your workouts as diverse as possible, otherwise there is a risk of strain and progressive overload.

Good ventilation. Ventilate well before and during training. Excessive amounts of CO2 indoors can significantly affect your performance, given that your need for oxygen during exercise is increased.

Try to exercise as early as possible. Postponing workouts for the second half of the day or delaying them later should be avoided. It is better to exercise in the morning, when you get up, and at the same time you will be energized throughout the day.

Keep water near you. Do not start exercising without a bottle of water ready next to you and thinking you’ll just get it later. When you have water near you, not only will you save time exercising, but also ensure that you are drinking when you're thirsty. Proper hydration is essential to maintain energy and concentration.

Tools to help with sports at home:

Jumping Rope is one of the best home-workout tools. It helps to develop fitness, strengthens leg muscles, breathing and cardiovascular system, slimming the figure. Jumping can quickly get rid of the extra kilos and fat on your belly. The jumping and arm motions also help tones your leg and arms muscles. Weight loss exercises in jumping do not require any special skills or time - you do not have to go to the gym or exercise outdoors, you can just easily do it at home.

At the gym or home, do not forget the towel - it is needed not only after training, but also during training. The towel is one of the most necessary tool for sports, it helps you stay dry and fresh while working out. When working out at home, it can also be a great substitute for a yoga mat.

Best sports wear to workout at home:

Of course, you also need good quality clothing that can help you do your exercises better and feel better at the same time. When exercising at home or at the gym, you should not be afraid to sweat and you need to make sure that your sportswear can absorb the sweat and keep you dry through the workout. Therefore, it´s very important to pay attention to the material of your sportswear. It is recommended to choose clothes made of synthetic fabrics, which have a slower rate of bacterial growth and do not require extra care.

MAGIC Bodyfashion’s Activewear collection, not only offers best quality and comfort, but also has many different styles to choose from.

Find all the MAGIC Activewear here.

A quick workout routine with our MAGIC Lady Maria:

Quarantine should not stop us from being active and taking care of our well-being. Therefore, in collaboration with our brand ambassador Maria, we would love to share this fun tip and a quick workout routine!

You can find the routine HERE.
  Rishma     23-03-2020 16:28     Comments ( 0 )
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